Prime League 1st Division 4/1/25 4:00 PM Austrian Force willhaben-Berlin International GamingMatch Up Handicap 1,5Austrian Force willhaben (1,5)2.25 Berlin International Gaming (-1,5)1.57 Prime League 1st Division 4/1/25 4:00 PM Dung Dynasty-Team Orange GamingMap 2 - WinnerDung Dynasty1.46 Team Orange Gaming2.55 Prime League 1st Division 4/1/25 6:00 PM Eintracht Frankfurt-E WIE EINFACH E‑SPORTSMap 2 - WinnerEintracht Frankfurt3.10 E WIE EINFACH E-SPORTS1.33 Prime League 1st Division 4/2/25 4:00 PM Eintracht Spandau-ROSSMANN CentaursMatch Up Handicap -1,5Eintracht Spandau (-1,5)2.15 ROSSMANN Centaurs (1,5)1.63 Prime League 1st Division 4/2/25 6:00 PM Kaufland Hangry Knights-Unicorns Of Love Sexy EditionMap 3 WinnerKaufland Hangry Knights1.29 Unicorns Of Love Sexy Edition3.30
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